[영어일기] Wooden doll 본문

홈스쿨(Home school)

[영어일기] Wooden doll

알 수 없는 사용자 2013. 1. 4. 17:19

Friday January 4

Weather: Fine



I have one thing I want it.
It is a wooden doll.
I want it because it will be secret friend.


I have lot of friend in my classroom.
But I want to make secret friend so I can tell a thing of my mind.
This is why I want wooden doll.


Also I tell my parent about wooden doll.
They say "Ok I'll give it to you."
But I think they did not find wooden doll.
So I'll find wooden doll.


If no one give me a wooden doll, I'll find it and buy it.
I'm coming, wooden doll!



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